What I can offer

After spending 21 years as a Gartner analyst, I’ve continued to provide support as an independant tech advisor to Telecoms and other High Tech companies in the areas of Enterprise Mobility, Frontline working, IoT connectivity, 5G and Private Mobile Networks. Provided services include:

  • Technology and Business strategy reviews
  • Product Roadmap development and review
  • Go To Market (GTM) strategy evaluations 
  • Message testing
  • Hosting Webinars
  • Speaking engagements internally or at events
  • Partnership strategies
  • Acquisition evaluation and strategy development
  • Ecosystem creation and participation strategies

What I can offer

After spending 21 years as a Gartner analyst, I’m continuing to provide support as an independant tech advisor to Telecoms and other High Tech companies in the areas of Enterprise Mobility, Frontline working, IoT connectivity, 5G and Private Mobile Networks. Provided services include:

  • Technology and Business strategy reviews
  • Product Roadmap development and review
  • Go To Market (GTM) strategy evaluations 
  • Message testing
  • Speaking engagements internally or at events
  • Partnership strategies
  • Acquisition evaluation and strategy development
  • Ecosystem creation and participation strategies

What I can offer

After spending 21 years as a Gartner analyst, I’m continuing to provide support as an independant tech advisor to Telecoms and other High Tech companies in the areas of Enterprise Mobility, Frontline working, IoT connectivity, 5G and Private Mobile Networks. Provided services include:

  • Technology and Business strategy reviews
  • Product Roadmap development and review
  • Go To Market (GTM) strategy evaluations 
  • Message testing
  • Speaking engagements internally or at events
  • Partnership strategies
  • Acquisition evaluation and strategy development
  • Ecosystem creation and participation strategies

What I can offer

After spending 21 years as a Gartner analyst, I’ve continued to provide support as an independant tech advisor to Telecoms and other High Tech companies in the areas of Enterprise Mobility, Frontline working, IoT connectivity, 5G and Private Mobile Networks. Provided services include:

  • Technology and Business strategy reviews
  • Product Roadmap development and review
  • Go To Market (GTM) strategy evaluations 
  • Message testing
  • Hosting Webinars
  • Speaking engagements internally or at events
  • Partnership strategies
  • Acquisition evaluation and strategy development
  • Ecosystem creation and participation strategies


After 44 years in the IT industry, whereof 21 years as a Gartner analyst (including 4 years with META Group prior to the acquisition in 2005), I’ve  continued working as an independent tech advisor. During my 21 years with Gartner as a Research Vice President, I’ve had an incredible journey that includes

Please refer to this external Gartner link for my historical published research.

Coaching on Enterprise Mobility

Coaching large enterprises on Enterprise Mobility and IOT Connectivity including proposal reviews as well as their adoption of BYOD, BYOPC, Managed Mobility Services (MMS) and other initiatives

Worked with the largest CSP companies

Worked with some of the largest global Communication Service Providers (CSPs) on their product strategy and go to market initiatives around Enterprise Mobility, Frontline Working (FLW), 5G, Private Mobile Networks (PMN) and IoT Connectivity

Worked with leading tech companies

Worked with a number of leading High Tech Companies around their GTM strategies for ruggedized devices and managed services as well as a large number of companies focused on Frontline Workers

Gartner Vendor Lead Analyst

Gartner Vendor Lead Analyst (a three year assignment) for a number of complex vendors like AT&T, Vodafone, Ericsson and Nokia. This encompasses coordinating Gartner position across written research as well as liaising with vendor executives.

Speaker at Gartner Symposiums and Summits

Speaking at numerous Gartner Symposiums and Summits across 5 continents including being conference chair for some, as well as vendor events and client internal events

Published 279 research notes

Published 279 research notes with my name on them, whereof 24 MQs, 58 Hype Cycles, 13 Cool Vendor and 5 Market Guide reports and with a total of 119 of them as lead author

Leading MQs on MDM, M2M/IOT

Leading or coauthoring MQs on MDM, M2M/IoT Connectivity as well as MMS. Being part of all of them since inception as well as contributing to other MQs, Critical Capabilities notes and Market Guides which has provided intrinsic insights into the creation process of these types of research notes

Spearheaded Gartner research into M2M/IoT

Spearheaded Gartner research into M2M/IoT as well as Enterprise Mobility for 2 decades. Ignited Gartner research into ruggedized and FLW in 2017

Multitude of positions with a publicly traded software company

Before becoming an analyst, a multitude of positions with a publicly traded software company listed on Nasdaq and serving as CTO before leaving for META Group

In my new role as an independant tech advisor, I’ve continued to publish articles on topics that I find relevant. Articles that are initiated by myself are published on LinkedIn as articles and cross-published on Lion Briefs, a research aggregation publication. Commissioned articles and Webinars appear on the respective web sites.



  • Member of IEEE since 1992
  • Member of Swedish Computer Society (Dataföreningen) since 1985
  • Member of National Writers Union (NWU) since 2022 and holder of an international IFJ press pass


Legal Details

Leif-Olof Wallin AB is a Swedish private company founded and owned by Leif-Olof Wallin.

VAT/Momsreg nr: SE559374438501

For Swedish customers and government agencies:

  • Godkänd för F-skatt (Approved for F-tax)
  • Säte: Göteborg (Domicile: Gothenburg)